LINUX Hero, Frankfurt
Experience: - For being our hero you already should have several years of professional experience with Linux- Serveradministration; - Experience with bash- programming; - profound experience in administrating databases (mysql, nosql); - To be a real hero you should be familiar with LDAP, Firewall, LAMP, Nagios, Munin
About the company: For one of our clients we are looking for a Linux Hero who likes to join the team of our client in Frankfurt. Main responsibilities: - Your main tasks will be the development, maintenance and operation of the infrastructure of the company. Databases: mySQL Operating Systems: Linux (Debian, Mandrake, RedHat, SlackWare, SuSe..) Education: - Our favorite hero has a finished career (University/FH) in Computer Science, Economic Computer Science or something similar Offer: Within this company you will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic and international team and you can contribute in setting up our websites which are used by millions of people in more than 200 different countries.
Location Germany
Company Native Recruitment GmbH
Аdded 2014-06-12
Date expire 2014-06-20
Job type Permanent
Term Full time
Zend Framework 2 2.2.0
Documentation Modules Gallery Version 2.2.0 PHP Version 5.6.40 Extensions intl ModulesApplicationZendDeveloperToolsBjyProfilerContactsSearchZfcUserZfcBaseZfcAdminZfcUserAdminBjyAuthorizeGoalioRememberMeRoleUserBridgeGoalioMailServiceGoalioForgotPasswordJobOfferProfileDOMPDFModuleMakeCVZendHelperLoadUploadedImageLinkedin
Request and Response 200 JobOffer::view on joboffer
Status code 200 Method GET Controller JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer Action view Route joboffer Templateslayout/layoutjob-offer/job-offer/view
Execution Time 130.96 ms
Total Time 130.96 ms
Memory Peak 13.00 Mb
Memory Peak 13.00 Mb
Config Config
Merged Config (Config)
array(27) {
  ["service_manager"] => array(7) {
    ["abstract_factories"] => array(2) {
      [0] => string(53) "Zend\Cache\Service\StorageCacheAbstractServiceFactory"
      [1] => string(37) "Zend\Log\LoggerAbstractServiceFactory"
    ["factories"] => array(23) {
      ["translator"] => string(45) "Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorServiceFactory"
      ["navigation"] => string(48) "Zend\Navigation\Service\DefaultNavigationFactory"
      ["Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"] => object(Closure)#669 (1) {
        ["this"] => object(ZendDeveloperTools\Collector\ConfigCollector)#643 (2) {
          ["config":protected] => array(27) {
            ["service_manager"] => array(7) {
              ["abstract_factories"] => array(2) {
                [0] => string(53) "Zend\Cache\Service\StorageCacheAbstractServiceFactory"
                [1] => string(37) "Zend\Log\LoggerAbstractServiceFactory"
              ["factories"] => array(23) {
                ["translator"] => string(45) "Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorServiceFactory"
                ["navigation"] => string(48) "Zend\Navigation\Service\DefaultNavigationFactory"
                ["Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"] => object(ZendDeveloperTools\Stub\ClosureStub)#645 (0) {
                ["BjyAuthorize\Config"] => string(41) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ConfigServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Guards"] => string(41) "BjyAuthorize\Service\GuardsServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\RoleProviders"] => string(48) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RoleProvidersServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\ResourceProviders"] => string(52) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ResourceProvidersServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\RuleProviders"] => string(48) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RuleProvidersServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Guard\Controller"] => string(50) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ControllerGuardServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Guard\Route"] => string(45) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RouteGuardServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\Config"] => string(53) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ConfigRoleProviderServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\ZendDb"] => string(53) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ZendDbRoleProviderServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Resource\Config"] => string(57) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ConfigResourceProviderServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Service\Authorize"] => string(37) "BjyAuthorize\Service\AuthorizeFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ProviderInterface"] => string(51) "BjyAuthorize\Service\IdentityProviderServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\AuthenticationIdentityProvider"] => string(65) "BjyAuthorize\Service\AuthenticationIdentityProviderServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\ObjectRepositoryProvider"] => string(56) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ObjectRepositoryRoleProviderFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Collector\RoleCollector"] => string(48) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RoleCollectorServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ZfcUserZendDb"] => string(64) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ZfcUserZendDbIdentityProviderServiceFactory"
                ["BjyAuthorize\View\UnauthorizedStrategy"] => string(55) "BjyAuthorize\Service\UnauthorizedStrategyServiceFactory"
                ["DOMPDF"] => string(34) "DOMPDFModule\Service\DOMPDFFactory"
                ["ViewPdfRenderer"] => string(47) "DOMPDFModule\Mvc\Service\ViewPdfRendererFactory"
                ["ViewPdfStrategy"] => string(47) "DOMPDFModule\Mvc\Service\ViewPdfStrategyFactory"
              ["services"] => array(1) {
                ["session"] => array(0) {
              ["aliases"] => array(4) {
                ["zfcuser_zend_db_adapter"] => string(23) "Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"
                ["bjyauthorize_zend_db_adapter"] => string(23) "Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"
                ["ScnSocialAuth_ZendDbAdapter"] => string(23) "Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"
                ["ScnSocialAuth_ZendSessionManager"] => string(27) "Zend\Session\SessionManager"
              ["invokables"] => array(2) {
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                ["Zend\Session\SessionManager"] => string(27) "Zend\Session\SessionManager"
              ["initializers"] => array(1) {
                ["BjyAuthorize\Service\AuthorizeAwareServiceInitializer"] => string(53) "BjyAuthorize\Service\AuthorizeAwareServiceInitializer"
              ["shared"] => array(1) {
                ["DOMPDF"] => bool(false)
            ["translator"] => array(2) {
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              ["translation_file_patterns"] => array(10) {
                [0] => array(3) {
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                  ["pattern"] => string(5) ""
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                  ["pattern"] => string(5) ""
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                [2] => array(4) {
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                  ["base_dir"] => string(74) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                  ["pattern"] => string(5) ""
                  ["text_domain"] => string(6) "Search"
                [3] => array(4) {
                  ["type"] => string(7) "gettext"
                  ["base_dir"] => string(87) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                  ["pattern"] => string(5) ""
                  ["text_domain"] => string(7) "ZfcUser"
                [4] => array(4) {
                  ["type"] => string(7) "gettext"
                  ["base_dir"] => string(104) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                  ["pattern"] => string(5) ""
                  ["text_domain"] => string(7) "ZfcUser"
                [5] => array(4) {
                  ["type"] => string(7) "gettext"
                  ["base_dir"] => string(88) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                  ["pattern"] => string(5) ""
                  ["text_domain"] => string(20) "GoalioForgotPassword"
                [6] => array(4) {
                  ["type"] => string(7) "gettext"
                  ["base_dir"] => string(76) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                  ["pattern"] => string(5) ""
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                [7] => array(4) {
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                  ["base_dir"] => string(75) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                  ["pattern"] => string(5) ""
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                  ["type"] => string(7) "gettext"
                  ["base_dir"] => string(74) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                  ["pattern"] => string(5) ""
                  ["text_domain"] => string(6) "MakeCV"
                [9] => array(4) {
                  ["type"] => string(7) "gettext"
                  ["base_dir"] => string(76) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                  ["pattern"] => string(5) ""
                  ["text_domain"] => string(8) "Linkedin"
            ["controllers"] => array(1) {
              ["invokables"] => array(12) {
                ["Application\Controller\Index"] => string(38) "Application\Controller\IndexController"
                ["Contacts\Controller\Contacts"] => string(38) "Contacts\Controller\ContactsController"
                ["Search\Controller\Search"] => string(34) "Search\Controller\SearchController"
                ["zfcuser"] => string(33) "ZfcUser\Controller\UserController"
                ["ZfcAdmin\Controller\AdminController"] => string(35) "ZfcAdmin\Controller\AdminController"
                ["zfcuseradmin"] => string(43) "ZfcUserAdmin\Controller\UserAdminController"
                ["goalioforgotpassword_forgot"] => string(48) "GoalioForgotPassword\Controller\ForgotController"
                ["JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"] => string(38) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOfferController"
                ["profile"] => string(36) "Profile\Controller\ProfileController"
                ["MakeCV\Controller\MakeCV"] => string(34) "MakeCV\Controller\MakeCVController"
                ["LoadUploadedImage\Controller\Index"] => string(44) "LoadUploadedImage\Controller\IndexController"
                ["linkedin"] => string(38) "Linkedin\Controller\LinkedinController"
            ["view_manager"] => array(8) {
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              ["doctype"] => string(5) "HTML5"
              ["not_found_template"] => string(9) "error/404"
              ["exception_template"] => string(11) "error/index"
              ["template_map"] => array(12) {
                ["menu"] => string(93) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["searchFilter"] => string(110) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["searchFilter_section"] => string(118) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["error/403"] => string(106) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["zend-developer-tools/toolbar/bjy-authorize-role"] => string(144) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["zfc-user/user/login"] => string(106) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["topJobProviders"] => string(102) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["addJobOfferForm"] => string(100) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["languagesFormElement"] => string(107) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["tableForm"] => string(96) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["verticalTableForm"] => string(104) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["paginatorControl"] => string(103) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
              ["template_path_stack"] => array(13) {
                [0] => string(75) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["zenddevelopertools"] => string(82) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["contacts"] => string(72) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["search"] => string(70) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["zfcuser"] => string(83) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                [1] => string(84) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["zfcuseradmin"] => string(76) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["goalioforgotpassword"] => string(84) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["joboffer"] => string(72) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["fileupload"] => string(71) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["makecv"] => string(70) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                [2] => string(77) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                ["linkedin"] => string(72) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
              ["strategies"] => array(2) {
                [0] => string(16) "ViewJsonStrategy"
                [1] => string(15) "ViewPdfStrategy"
            ["tables"] => array(22) {
              ["user_role_linker"] => string(40) "\Application\Model\User_Role_LinkerTable"
              ["advertise"] => string(33) "\Application\Model\AdvertiseTable"
              ["locations"] => string(30) "\JobOffer\Model\LocationsTable"
              ["joboffer"] => string(29) "\JobOffer\Model\JobOfferTable"
              ["joined_joboffer"] => string(36) "\JobOffer\Model\Joined\JobOfferTable"
              ["candidates"] => string(31) "\JobOffer\Model\CandidatesTable"
              ["categories"] => string(31) "\JobOffer\Model\CategoriesTable"
              ["job_category"] => string(33) "\JobOffer\Model\Job_CategoryTable"
              ["joined_job_category"] => string(40) "\JobOffer\Model\Joined\Job_CategoryTable"
              ["jobprovider_info"] => string(37) "\JobOffer\Model\JobProvider_InfoTable"
              ["joined_jobprovider_info"] => string(44) "\JobOffer\Model\Joined\JobProvider_InfoTable"
              ["jobseeker_info"] => string(35) "\JobOffer\Model\JobSeeker_InfoTable"
              ["joined_candidates"] => string(38) "\JobOffer\Model\Joined\CandidatesTable"
              ["user"] => string(25) "\JobOffer\Model\UserTable"
              ["user_files"] => string(31) "\JobOffer\Model\User_FilesTable"
              ["typeOfJob"] => string(30) "\JobOffer\Model\TypeOfJobTable"
              ["timeOfJob"] => string(30) "\JobOffer\Model\TimeOfJobTable"
              ["jobs_categories_linker"] => string(43) "\JobOffer\Model\Jobs_Categories_LinkerTable"
              ["languages"] => string(30) "\JobOffer\Model\LanguagesTable"
              ["joboffer_languages"] => string(39) "\JobOffer\Model\JobOffer_LanguagesTable"
              ["joined_languages"] => string(37) "\JobOffer\Model\Joined\LanguagesTable"
              ["linkedin"] => string(29) "\Linkedin\Model\LinkedinTable"
            ["router"] => array(1) {
              ["routes"] => array(9) {
                ["contacts"] => array(2) {
                  ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
                  ["options"] => array(2) {
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                    ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                      ["controller"] => string(28) "Contacts\Controller\Contacts"
                      ["action"] => string(5) "index"
                ["home"] => array(2) {
                  ["type"] => string(28) "Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment"
                  ["options"] => array(3) {
                    ["route"] => string(50) "/[home][/page/:page][/order_by/:order_by][/:order]"
                    ["constraints"] => array(3) {
                      ["page"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
                      ["order_by"] => string(22) "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"
                      ["order"] => string(8) "ASC|DESC"
                    ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                      ["controller"] => string(24) "Search\Controller\Search"
                      ["action"] => string(5) "index"
                ["search"] => array(2) {
                  ["type"] => string(28) "Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment"
                  ["options"] => array(3) {
                    ["route"] => string(89) "/search[/:action][/:id][/page/:page][/order_by/:order_by][/:order][/search_by/:search_by]"
                    ["constraints"] => array(5) {
                      ["action"] => string(67) "(?!\bpage\b)(?!\border_by\b)(?!\bsearch_by\b)[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"
                      ["id"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
                      ["page"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
                      ["order_by"] => string(22) "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"
                      ["order"] => string(8) "ASC|DESC"
                    ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                      ["controller"] => string(24) "Search\Controller\Search"
                      ["action"] => string(8) "view-all"
                ["zfcuser"] => array(5) {
                  ["type"] => string(28) "Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment"
                  ["priority"] => int(1000)
                  ["options"] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(5) "/user"
                    ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                      ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                      ["action"] => string(5) "index"
                  ["may_terminate"] => bool(true)
                  ["child_routes"] => array(17) {
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                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
                        ["route"] => string(6) "/login"
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                    ["authenticate"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
                        ["route"] => string(13) "/authenticate"
                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                          ["action"] => string(12) "authenticate"
                    ["logout"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
                        ["route"] => string(7) "/logout"
                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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                    ["register"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
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                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                          ["action"] => string(8) "register"
                    ["jobprovider"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
                        ["route"] => string(12) "/jobprovider"
                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                          ["action"] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                    ["providerinfo"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
                        ["route"] => string(13) "/providerinfo"
                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                          ["action"] => string(12) "providerinfo"
                    ["changepassword"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
                        ["route"] => string(16) "/change-password"
                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                          ["action"] => string(14) "changepassword"
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                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
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                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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                      ["options"] => array(2) {
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                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(27) "goalioforgotpassword_forgot"
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                    ["resetpassword"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                      ["options"] => array(3) {
                        ["route"] => string(30) "/reset-password/:userId/:token"
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                          ["controller"] => string(27) "goalioforgotpassword_forgot"
                          ["action"] => string(5) "reset"
                        ["constraints"] => array(2) {
                          ["userId"] => string(12) "[A-Fa-f0-9]+"
                          ["token"] => string(9) "[A-F0-9]+"
                    ["verifyaccount"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                      ["options"] => array(3) {
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                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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                          ["action"] => string(6) "verify"
                        ["constraints"] => array(2) {
                          ["userId"] => string(12) "[A-Fa-f0-9]+"
                          ["token"] => string(9) "[A-F0-9]+"
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                    ["addProviderInfo"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
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                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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                      ["options"] => array(3) {
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                          ["id"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(7) "profile"
                          ["action"] => string(12) "viewProvider"
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                      ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
                      ["options"] => array(3) {
                        ["route"] => string(19) "/download/[:fileId]"
                        ["constraints"] => array(1) {
                          ["fileId"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(7) "profile"
                          ["action"] => string(8) "download"
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                      ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
                      ["options"] => array(3) {
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                        ["constraints"] => array(1) {
                          ["fileId"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
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                          ["controller"] => string(7) "profile"
                          ["action"] => string(8) "deleteCV"
                ["zfcadmin"] => array(4) {
                  ["type"] => string(7) "literal"
                  ["options"] => array(2) {
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                      ["action"] => string(5) "index"
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                    ["joboffer"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "literal"
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                          ["action"] => string(8) "joboffer"
                    ["zfcuseradmin"] => array(4) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["priority"] => int(1000)
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
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                            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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                              ["action"] => string(6) "create"
                        ["reguser"] => array(2) {
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                          ["options"] => array(2) {
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                            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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                            ["defaults"] => array(3) {
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                              ["action"] => string(4) "edit"
                              ["userId"] => int(0)
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                          ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                          ["options"] => array(2) {
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                            ["defaults"] => array(3) {
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                              ["action"] => string(6) "remove"
                              ["userId"] => int(0)
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                      ["child_routes"] => array(2) {
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                          ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                          ["options"] => array(2) {
                            ["route"] => string(15) "/approval/[:id]"
                            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                              ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
                              ["action"] => string(8) "approval"
                        ["jobadmin"] => array(2) {
                          ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                          ["options"] => array(2) {
                            ["route"] => string(9) "/jobadmin"
                            ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                              ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
                              ["action"] => string(9) "adminList"
                ["joboffer"] => array(2) {
                  ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
                  ["options"] => array(3) {
                    ["route"] => string(40) "/joboffer/:action[/:id][/:file][/:jobId]"
                    ["constraints"] => array(4) {
                      ["action"] => string(22) "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"
                      ["id"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
                      ["file"] => string(23) "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-].*"
                      ["jobId"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
                    ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                      ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
                      ["action"] => string(8) "viewMine"
                ["makecv"] => array(2) {
                  ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
                  ["options"] => array(3) {
                    ["route"] => string(23) "/makecv[/:action][/:id]"
                    ["constraints"] => array(2) {
                      ["action"] => string(22) "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"
                      ["id"] => string(8) "[a-zA-Z]"
                    ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                      ["controller"] => string(24) "MakeCV\Controller\MakeCV"
                      ["action"] => string(6) "cvform"
                ["getimage"] => array(2) {
                  ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
                  ["options"] => array(3) {
                    ["route"] => string(23) "/getImage[/:id][/:file]"
                    ["constraints"] => array(2) {
                      ["id"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
                      ["file"] => string(17) "[a-zA-Z0-9_\- .]+"
                    ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                      ["controller"] => string(34) "LoadUploadedImage\Controller\Index"
                      ["action"] => string(5) "index"
                ["linkedin"] => array(5) {
                  ["type"] => string(28) "Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment"
                  ["priority"] => int(1000)
                  ["options"] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(9) "/linkedin"
                    ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                      ["controller"] => string(8) "linkedin"
                      ["action"] => string(8) "linkedin"
                  ["may_terminate"] => bool(true)
                  ["child_routes"] => array(3) {
                    ["check"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
                        ["route"] => string(10) "/userCheck"
                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(8) "linkedin"
                          ["action"] => string(9) "userCheck"
                    ["register"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
                        ["route"] => string(9) "/register"
                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(8) "linkedin"
                          ["action"] => string(8) "register"
                    ["link"] => array(2) {
                      ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                      ["options"] => array(2) {
                        ["route"] => string(5) "/link"
                        ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                          ["controller"] => string(8) "linkedin"
                          ["action"] => string(4) "link"
            ["navigation"] => array(2) {
              ["default"] => array(8) {
                ["contacts"] => array(5) {
                  ["label"] => string(8) "Contacts"
                  ["route"] => string(8) "contacts"
                  ["resource"] => string(14) "route/contacts"
                  ["namespace"] => string(8) "Contacts"
                  ["order"] => int(1000)
                ["home"] => array(5) {
                  ["label"] => string(4) "Home"
                  ["route"] => string(4) "home"
                  ["resource"] => string(10) "route/home"
                  ["namespace"] => string(6) "Search"
                  ["order"] => int(-9999999)
                ["zfcuser/logout"] => array(5) {
                  ["label"] => string(6) "Logout"
                  ["route"] => string(14) "zfcuser/logout"
                  ["resource"] => string(20) "route/zfcuser/logout"
                  ["namespace"] => string(7) "ZfcUser"
                  ["order"] => int(9999999)
                ["zfcuser/login"] => array(5) {
                  ["label"] => string(5) "Login"
                  ["route"] => string(13) "zfcuser/login"
                  ["resource"] => string(19) "route/zfcuser/login"
                  ["namespace"] => string(7) "ZfcUser"
                  ["order"] => int(-1)
                ["zfcadmin"] => array(5) {
                  ["label"] => string(5) "Admin"
                  ["route"] => string(8) "zfcadmin"
                  ["resource"] => string(14) "route/zfcadmin"
                  ["namespace"] => string(8) "ZfcAdmin"
                  ["order"] => int(200000)
                ["joboffer"] => array(5) {
                  ["label"] => string(10) "Job offers"
                  ["route"] => string(8) "joboffer"
                  ["resource"] => string(48) "controller/JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer:viewMine"
                  ["namespace"] => string(8) "JobOffer"
                  ["order"] => int(500)
                ["zfcuser"] => array(5) {
                  ["label"] => string(7) "Profile"
                  ["route"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                  ["resource"] => string(13) "route/zfcuser"
                  ["namespace"] => string(7) "Profile"
                  ["order"] => int(1)
                ["makecv"] => array(5) {
                  ["label"] => string(2) "CV"
                  ["route"] => string(6) "makecv"
                  ["resource"] => string(12) "route/makecv"
                  ["namespace"] => string(6) "MakeCV"
                  ["order"] => int(100)
              ["admin"] => array(2) {
                ["zfcuseradmin"] => array(3) {
                  ["label"] => string(5) "Users"
                  ["route"] => string(26) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/list"
                  ["pages"] => array(1) {
                    ["create"] => array(2) {
                      ["label"] => string(8) "New User"
                      ["route"] => string(28) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/create"
                ["zfcadmin/zfcjobadmin/jobadmin"] => array(2) {
                  ["label"] => string(9) "JobOffers"
                  ["route"] => string(29) "zfcadmin/zfcjobadmin/jobadmin"
            ["controller_plugins"] => array(1) {
              ["invokables"] => array(1) {
                ["searchFilter"] => string(52) "Search\Controller\Plugin\SearchFliterControlerPlugin"
            ["zfcadmin"] => array(2) {
              ["use_admin_layout"] => bool(true)
              ["admin_layout_template"] => string(12) "layout/admin"
            ["zfcuseradmin"] => array(4) {
              ["zfcuseradmin_mapper"] => string(30) "ZfcUserAdmin\Mapper\UserZendDb"
              ["user_mapper"] => string(30) "ZfcUserAdmin\Mapper\UserZendDb"
              ["user_list_elements"] => array(3) {
                ["Id"] => string(2) "id"
                ["State"] => string(5) "state"
                ["Email address"] => string(5) "email"
              ["create_user_auto_password"] => bool(false)
            ["bjyauthorize"] => array(12) {
              ["default_role"] => string(5) "guest"
              ["authenticated_role"] => string(4) "user"
              ["identity_provider"] => string(44) "BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ZfcUserZendDb"
              ["role_providers"] => array(1) {
                ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\ZendDb"] => array(3) {
                  ["table"] => string(9) "user_role"
                  ["role_id_field"] => string(7) "role_id"
                  ["parent_role_field"] => string(6) "parent"
              ["resource_providers"] => array(1) {
                ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Resource\Config"] => array(1) {
                  ["pants"] => array(0) {
              ["rule_providers"] => array(1) {
                ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Rule\Config"] => array(2) {
                  ["allow"] => array(1) {
                    [0] => array(3) {
                      [0] => array(2) {
                        [0] => string(5) "guest"
                        [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [1] => string(5) "pants"
                      [2] => string(4) "wear"
                  ["deny"] => array(0) {
              ["guards"] => array(2) {
                ["BjyAuthorize\Guard\Controller"] => array(18) {
                  [0] => array(3) {
                    ["controller"] => string(5) "index"
                    ["action"] => string(5) "index"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [1] => array(3) {
                    ["controller"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(5) "index"
                      [1] => string(6) "static"
                      [2] => string(7) "console"
                    ["action"] => array(2) {
                      [0] => string(4) "list"
                      [1] => string(6) "manage"
                    ["roles"] => array(2) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(5) "admin"
                  [2] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(8) "linkedin"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [3] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [4] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(27) "goalioforgotpassword_forgot"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [5] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(7) "profile"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [6] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(28) "Application\Controller\Index"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [7] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(28) "Contacts\Controller\Contacts"
                    ["roles"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                  [8] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(24) "MakeCV\Controller\MakeCV"
                    ["roles"] => array(2) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                  [9] => array(3) {
                    ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
                    ["action"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(4) "view"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [10] => array(3) {
                    ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
                    ["action"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(8) "viewMine"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                  [11] => array(3) {
                    ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
                    ["action"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(9) "candidate"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                  [12] => array(3) {
                    ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
                    ["action"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(4) "edit"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [13] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [14] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(12) "zfcuseradmin"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [15] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(35) "ZfcAdmin\Controller\AdminController"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [16] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(24) "Search\Controller\Search"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [17] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(34) "LoadUploadedImage\Controller\Index"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                ["BjyAuthorize\Guard\Route"] => array(37) {
                  [0] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(8) "linkedin"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [1] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(14) "linkedin/check"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [2] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(17) "linkedin/register"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [3] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(13) "linkedin/link"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [4] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
                    ["roles"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                      [1] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [2] => string(5) "admin"
                  [5] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(21) "zfcuser/resetpassword"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [6] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(21) "zfcuser/verifyaccount"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [7] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(18) "zfcuser/downloadCV"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                  [8] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(16) "zfcuser/deleteCV"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                  [9] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(15) "zfcuser/emailit"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [10] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(23) "zfcuser/addProviderInfo"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                  [11] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(15) "zfcuser/addInfo"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                  [12] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(19) "zfcuser/jobprovider"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [13] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(22) "zfcuser/forgotpassword"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [14] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(20) "zfcuser/viewProvider"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [15] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(14) "zfcuser/logout"
                    ["roles"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                      [1] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [2] => string(5) "admin"
                  [16] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(13) "zfcuser/login"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [17] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(19) "zfcuser/changeemail"
                    ["roles"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                      [1] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [2] => string(5) "admin"
                  [18] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(22) "zfcuser/changepassword"
                    ["roles"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                      [1] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [2] => string(5) "admin"
                  [19] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(16) "zfcuser/register"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                  [20] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(8) "zfcadmin"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [21] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(26) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/list"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [22] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(26) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/edit"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [23] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(28) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/remove"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [24] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(28) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/create"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [25] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(29) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/reguser"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [26] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(29) "zfcadmin/zfcjobadmin/jobadmin"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [27] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(29) "zfcadmin/zfcjobadmin/approval"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [28] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(17) "zfcadmin/joboffer"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
                  [29] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(6) "makecv"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                  [30] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(4) "home"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [31] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(6) "search"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [32] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(8) "contacts"
                    ["roles"] => array(3) {
                      [0] => string(5) "guest"
                      [1] => string(4) "user"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                  [33] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(8) "joboffer"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                      [1] => string(5) "guest"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [34] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(16) "jobofferviewmine"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                  [35] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(8) "getimage"
                    ["roles"] => array(4) {
                      [0] => string(4) "user"
                      [1] => string(5) "guest"
                      [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
                      [3] => string(5) "admin"
                  [36] => array(2) {
                    ["route"] => string(8) "zfcadmin"
                    ["roles"] => array(1) {
                      [0] => string(5) "admin"
              ["unauthorized_strategy"] => string(38) "BjyAuthorize\View\UnauthorizedStrategy"
              ["template"] => string(9) "error/403"
              ["service_manager"] => array(4) {
                ["factories"] => array(17) {
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Config"] => string(41) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ConfigServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Guards"] => string(41) "BjyAuthorize\Service\GuardsServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\RoleProviders"] => string(48) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RoleProvidersServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\ResourceProviders"] => string(52) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ResourceProvidersServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\RuleProviders"] => string(48) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RuleProvidersServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Guard\Controller"] => string(50) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ControllerGuardServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Guard\Route"] => string(45) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RouteGuardServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\Config"] => string(53) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ConfigRoleProviderServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\ZendDb"] => string(53) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ZendDbRoleProviderServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Resource\Config"] => string(57) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ConfigResourceProviderServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Service\Authorize"] => string(37) "BjyAuthorize\Service\AuthorizeFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ProviderInterface"] => string(51) "BjyAuthorize\Service\IdentityProviderServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\AuthenticationIdentityProvider"] => string(65) "BjyAuthorize\Service\AuthenticationIdentityProviderServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\ObjectRepositoryProvider"] => string(56) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ObjectRepositoryRoleProviderFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Collector\RoleCollector"] => string(48) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RoleCollectorServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ZfcUserZendDb"] => string(64) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ZfcUserZendDbIdentityProviderServiceFactory"
                  ["BjyAuthorize\View\UnauthorizedStrategy"] => string(55) "BjyAuthorize\Service\UnauthorizedStrategyServiceFactory"
                ["invokables"] => array(1) {
                  ["BjyAuthorize\View\RedirectionStrategy"] => string(37) "BjyAuthorize\View\RedirectionStrategy"
                ["aliases"] => array(1) {
                  ["bjyauthorize_zend_db_adapter"] => string(23) "Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"
                ["initializers"] => array(1) {
                  ["BjyAuthorize\Service\AuthorizeAwareServiceInitializer"] => string(53) "BjyAuthorize\Service\AuthorizeAwareServiceInitializer"
              ["view_manager"] => array(1) {
                ["template_map"] => array(2) {
                  ["error/403"] => string(81) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
                  ["zend-developer-tools/toolbar/bjy-authorize-role"] => string(119) "/home/bulwork/addon_domains/"
              ["zenddevelopertools"] => array(2) {
                ["profiler"] => array(1) {
                  ["collectors"] => array(1) {
                    ["bjy_authorize_role_collector"] => string(36) "BjyAuthorize\Collector\RoleCollector"
                ["toolbar"] => array(1) {
                  ["entries"] => array(1) {
                    ["bjy_authorize_role_collector"] => string(47) "zend-developer-tools/toolbar/bjy-authorize-role"
            ["zenddevelopertools"] => array(2) {
              ["profiler"] => array(6) {
                ["collectors"] => array(1) {
                  ["bjy_authorize_role_collector"] => string(36) "BjyAuthorize\Collector\RoleCollector"
                ["enabled"] => bool(true)
                ["strict"] => bool(false)
                ["flush_early"] => bool(false)
                ["cache_dir"] => string(10) "data/cache"
                ["matcher"] => array(0) {
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          ["forgotpassword"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(16) "/forgot-password"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(27) "goalioforgotpassword_forgot"
                ["action"] => string(6) "forgot"
          ["emailit"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(8) "/emailit"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(27) "goalioforgotpassword_forgot"
                ["action"] => string(7) "emailit"
          ["resetpassword"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
            ["options"] => array(3) {
              ["route"] => string(30) "/reset-password/:userId/:token"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(27) "goalioforgotpassword_forgot"
                ["action"] => string(5) "reset"
              ["constraints"] => array(2) {
                ["userId"] => string(12) "[A-Fa-f0-9]+"
                ["token"] => string(9) "[A-F0-9]+"
          ["verifyaccount"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
            ["options"] => array(3) {
              ["route"] => string(30) "/verify-account/:userId/:token"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(27) "goalioforgotpassword_forgot"
                ["action"] => string(6) "verify"
              ["constraints"] => array(2) {
                ["userId"] => string(12) "[A-Fa-f0-9]+"
                ["token"] => string(9) "[A-F0-9]+"
          ["addInfo"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(8) "/addInfo"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(7) "profile"
                ["action"] => string(7) "addInfo"
          ["addProviderInfo"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(16) "/addProviderInfo"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(7) "profile"
                ["action"] => string(15) "addProviderInfo"
          ["viewProvider"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
            ["options"] => array(3) {
              ["route"] => string(19) "/viewProvider[/:id]"
              ["constraints"] => array(1) {
                ["id"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(7) "profile"
                ["action"] => string(12) "viewProvider"
          ["downloadCV"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
            ["options"] => array(3) {
              ["route"] => string(19) "/download/[:fileId]"
              ["constraints"] => array(1) {
                ["fileId"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(7) "profile"
                ["action"] => string(8) "download"
          ["deleteCV"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
            ["options"] => array(3) {
              ["route"] => string(17) "/delete/[:fileId]"
              ["constraints"] => array(1) {
                ["fileId"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(7) "profile"
                ["action"] => string(8) "deleteCV"
      ["zfcadmin"] => array(4) {
        ["type"] => string(7) "literal"
        ["options"] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(6) "/admin"
          ["defaults"] => array(2) {
            ["controller"] => string(35) "ZfcAdmin\Controller\AdminController"
            ["action"] => string(5) "index"
        ["may_terminate"] => bool(true)
        ["child_routes"] => array(3) {
          ["joboffer"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(9) "/joboffer"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(35) "ZfcAdmin\Controller\AdminController"
                ["action"] => string(8) "joboffer"
          ["zfcuseradmin"] => array(4) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["priority"] => int(1000)
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(5) "/user"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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            ["child_routes"] => array(5) {
              ["list"] => array(2) {
                ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
                  ["route"] => string(10) "/list[/:p]"
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                ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
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                  ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(12) "zfcuseradmin"
                    ["action"] => string(6) "create"
              ["reguser"] => array(2) {
                ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
                  ["route"] => string(8) "/reguser"
                  ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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                    ["action"] => string(7) "reguser"
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                ["options"] => array(2) {
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                  ["defaults"] => array(3) {
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                    ["userId"] => int(0)
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                ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
                  ["route"] => string(15) "/remove/:userId"
                  ["defaults"] => array(3) {
                    ["controller"] => string(12) "zfcuseradmin"
                    ["action"] => string(6) "remove"
                    ["userId"] => int(0)
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            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
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                ["action"] => string(9) "adminList"
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              ["approval"] => array(2) {
                ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
                  ["route"] => string(15) "/approval/[:id]"
                  ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
                    ["action"] => string(8) "approval"
              ["jobadmin"] => array(2) {
                ["type"] => string(7) "Segment"
                ["options"] => array(2) {
                  ["route"] => string(9) "/jobadmin"
                  ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                    ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
                    ["action"] => string(9) "adminList"
      ["joboffer"] => array(2) {
        ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
        ["options"] => array(3) {
          ["route"] => string(40) "/joboffer/:action[/:id][/:file][/:jobId]"
          ["constraints"] => array(4) {
            ["action"] => string(22) "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"
            ["id"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
            ["file"] => string(23) "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-].*"
            ["jobId"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
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            ["action"] => string(8) "viewMine"
      ["makecv"] => array(2) {
        ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
        ["options"] => array(3) {
          ["route"] => string(23) "/makecv[/:action][/:id]"
          ["constraints"] => array(2) {
            ["action"] => string(22) "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"
            ["id"] => string(8) "[a-zA-Z]"
          ["defaults"] => array(2) {
            ["controller"] => string(24) "MakeCV\Controller\MakeCV"
            ["action"] => string(6) "cvform"
      ["getimage"] => array(2) {
        ["type"] => string(7) "segment"
        ["options"] => array(3) {
          ["route"] => string(23) "/getImage[/:id][/:file]"
          ["constraints"] => array(2) {
            ["id"] => string(6) "[0-9]+"
            ["file"] => string(17) "[a-zA-Z0-9_\- .]+"
          ["defaults"] => array(2) {
            ["controller"] => string(34) "LoadUploadedImage\Controller\Index"
            ["action"] => string(5) "index"
      ["linkedin"] => array(5) {
        ["type"] => string(28) "Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment"
        ["priority"] => int(1000)
        ["options"] => array(2) {
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          ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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            ["action"] => string(8) "linkedin"
        ["may_terminate"] => bool(true)
        ["child_routes"] => array(3) {
          ["check"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(10) "/userCheck"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
                ["controller"] => string(8) "linkedin"
                ["action"] => string(9) "userCheck"
          ["register"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
            ["options"] => array(2) {
              ["route"] => string(9) "/register"
              ["defaults"] => array(2) {
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          ["link"] => array(2) {
            ["type"] => string(7) "Literal"
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              ["route"] => string(5) "/link"
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  ["navigation"] => array(2) {
    ["default"] => array(8) {
      ["contacts"] => array(5) {
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        ["resource"] => string(14) "route/contacts"
        ["namespace"] => string(8) "Contacts"
        ["order"] => int(1000)
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        ["label"] => string(4) "Home"
        ["route"] => string(4) "home"
        ["resource"] => string(10) "route/home"
        ["namespace"] => string(6) "Search"
        ["order"] => int(-9999999)
      ["zfcuser/logout"] => array(5) {
        ["label"] => string(6) "Logout"
        ["route"] => string(14) "zfcuser/logout"
        ["resource"] => string(20) "route/zfcuser/logout"
        ["namespace"] => string(7) "ZfcUser"
        ["order"] => int(9999999)
      ["zfcuser/login"] => array(5) {
        ["label"] => string(5) "Login"
        ["route"] => string(13) "zfcuser/login"
        ["resource"] => string(19) "route/zfcuser/login"
        ["namespace"] => string(7) "ZfcUser"
        ["order"] => int(-1)
      ["zfcadmin"] => array(5) {
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        ["resource"] => string(14) "route/zfcadmin"
        ["namespace"] => string(8) "ZfcAdmin"
        ["order"] => int(200000)
      ["joboffer"] => array(5) {
        ["label"] => string(10) "Job offers"
        ["route"] => string(8) "joboffer"
        ["resource"] => string(48) "controller/JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer:viewMine"
        ["namespace"] => string(8) "JobOffer"
        ["order"] => int(500)
      ["zfcuser"] => array(5) {
        ["label"] => string(7) "Profile"
        ["route"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
        ["resource"] => string(13) "route/zfcuser"
        ["namespace"] => string(7) "Profile"
        ["order"] => int(1)
      ["makecv"] => array(5) {
        ["label"] => string(2) "CV"
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        ["resource"] => string(12) "route/makecv"
        ["namespace"] => string(6) "MakeCV"
        ["order"] => int(100)
    ["admin"] => array(2) {
      ["zfcuseradmin"] => array(3) {
        ["label"] => string(5) "Users"
        ["route"] => string(26) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/list"
        ["pages"] => array(1) {
          ["create"] => array(2) {
            ["label"] => string(8) "New User"
            ["route"] => string(28) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/create"
      ["zfcadmin/zfcjobadmin/jobadmin"] => array(2) {
        ["label"] => string(9) "JobOffers"
        ["route"] => string(29) "zfcadmin/zfcjobadmin/jobadmin"
  ["controller_plugins"] => array(1) {
    ["invokables"] => array(1) {
      ["searchFilter"] => string(52) "Search\Controller\Plugin\SearchFliterControlerPlugin"
  ["zfcadmin"] => array(2) {
    ["use_admin_layout"] => bool(true)
    ["admin_layout_template"] => string(12) "layout/admin"
  ["zfcuseradmin"] => array(4) {
    ["zfcuseradmin_mapper"] => string(30) "ZfcUserAdmin\Mapper\UserZendDb"
    ["user_mapper"] => string(30) "ZfcUserAdmin\Mapper\UserZendDb"
    ["user_list_elements"] => array(3) {
      ["Id"] => string(2) "id"
      ["State"] => string(5) "state"
      ["Email address"] => string(5) "email"
    ["create_user_auto_password"] => bool(false)
  ["bjyauthorize"] => array(12) {
    ["default_role"] => string(5) "guest"
    ["authenticated_role"] => string(4) "user"
    ["identity_provider"] => string(44) "BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ZfcUserZendDb"
    ["role_providers"] => array(1) {
      ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\ZendDb"] => array(3) {
        ["table"] => string(9) "user_role"
        ["role_id_field"] => string(7) "role_id"
        ["parent_role_field"] => string(6) "parent"
    ["resource_providers"] => array(1) {
      ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Resource\Config"] => array(1) {
        ["pants"] => array(0) {
    ["rule_providers"] => array(1) {
      ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Rule\Config"] => array(2) {
        ["allow"] => array(1) {
          [0] => array(3) {
            [0] => array(2) {
              [0] => string(5) "guest"
              [1] => string(4) "user"
            [1] => string(5) "pants"
            [2] => string(4) "wear"
        ["deny"] => array(0) {
    ["guards"] => array(2) {
      ["BjyAuthorize\Guard\Controller"] => array(18) {
        [0] => array(3) {
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          ["action"] => string(5) "index"
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            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [1] => array(3) {
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            [0] => string(5) "index"
            [1] => string(6) "static"
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          ["action"] => array(2) {
            [0] => string(4) "list"
            [1] => string(6) "manage"
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            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(5) "admin"
        [2] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(8) "linkedin"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [3] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [4] => array(2) {
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          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [5] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(7) "profile"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [6] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(28) "Application\Controller\Index"
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            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [7] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(28) "Contacts\Controller\Contacts"
          ["roles"] => array(3) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
        [8] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(24) "MakeCV\Controller\MakeCV"
          ["roles"] => array(2) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
        [9] => array(3) {
          ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
          ["action"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(4) "view"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [10] => array(3) {
          ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
          ["action"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(8) "viewMine"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(11) "jobprovider"
        [11] => array(3) {
          ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
          ["action"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(9) "candidate"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
        [12] => array(3) {
          ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
          ["action"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(4) "edit"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [13] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(28) "JobOffer\Controller\JobOffer"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [14] => array(2) {
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          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [15] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(35) "ZfcAdmin\Controller\AdminController"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [16] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(24) "Search\Controller\Search"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
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            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [17] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(34) "LoadUploadedImage\Controller\Index"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
      ["BjyAuthorize\Guard\Route"] => array(37) {
        [0] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(8) "linkedin"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [1] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(14) "linkedin/check"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [2] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(17) "linkedin/register"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [3] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(13) "linkedin/link"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [4] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
          ["roles"] => array(3) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
            [1] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [2] => string(5) "admin"
        [5] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(21) "zfcuser/resetpassword"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [6] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(21) "zfcuser/verifyaccount"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [7] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(18) "zfcuser/downloadCV"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
        [8] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(16) "zfcuser/deleteCV"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
        [9] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(15) "zfcuser/emailit"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [10] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(23) "zfcuser/addProviderInfo"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(11) "jobprovider"
        [11] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(15) "zfcuser/addInfo"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
        [12] => array(2) {
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          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [13] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(22) "zfcuser/forgotpassword"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [14] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(20) "zfcuser/viewProvider"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
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            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [15] => array(2) {
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          ["roles"] => array(3) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
            [1] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [2] => string(5) "admin"
        [16] => array(2) {
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          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [17] => array(2) {
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          ["roles"] => array(3) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
            [1] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [2] => string(5) "admin"
        [18] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(22) "zfcuser/changepassword"
          ["roles"] => array(3) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
            [1] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [2] => string(5) "admin"
        [19] => array(2) {
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          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
        [20] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(8) "zfcadmin"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [21] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(26) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/list"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [22] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(26) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/edit"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [23] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(28) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/remove"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [24] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(28) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/create"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [25] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(29) "zfcadmin/zfcuseradmin/reguser"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [26] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(29) "zfcadmin/zfcjobadmin/jobadmin"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [27] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(29) "zfcadmin/zfcjobadmin/approval"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [28] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(17) "zfcadmin/joboffer"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
        [29] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(6) "makecv"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
        [30] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(4) "home"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [31] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(6) "search"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [32] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(8) "contacts"
          ["roles"] => array(3) {
            [0] => string(5) "guest"
            [1] => string(4) "user"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
        [33] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(8) "joboffer"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
            [1] => string(5) "guest"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [34] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(16) "jobofferviewmine"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(11) "jobprovider"
        [35] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(8) "getimage"
          ["roles"] => array(4) {
            [0] => string(4) "user"
            [1] => string(5) "guest"
            [2] => string(11) "jobprovider"
            [3] => string(5) "admin"
        [36] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(8) "zfcadmin"
          ["roles"] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(5) "admin"
    ["unauthorized_strategy"] => string(38) "BjyAuthorize\View\UnauthorizedStrategy"
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        ["BjyAuthorize\Guards"] => string(41) "BjyAuthorize\Service\GuardsServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\RoleProviders"] => string(48) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RoleProvidersServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\ResourceProviders"] => string(52) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ResourceProvidersServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\RuleProviders"] => string(48) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RuleProvidersServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Guard\Controller"] => string(50) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ControllerGuardServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Guard\Route"] => string(45) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RouteGuardServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\Config"] => string(53) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ConfigRoleProviderServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\ZendDb"] => string(53) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ZendDbRoleProviderServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Resource\Config"] => string(57) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ConfigResourceProviderServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Service\Authorize"] => string(37) "BjyAuthorize\Service\AuthorizeFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ProviderInterface"] => string(51) "BjyAuthorize\Service\IdentityProviderServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\AuthenticationIdentityProvider"] => string(65) "BjyAuthorize\Service\AuthenticationIdentityProviderServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Role\ObjectRepositoryProvider"] => string(56) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ObjectRepositoryRoleProviderFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Collector\RoleCollector"] => string(48) "BjyAuthorize\Service\RoleCollectorServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ZfcUserZendDb"] => string(64) "BjyAuthorize\Service\ZfcUserZendDbIdentityProviderServiceFactory"
        ["BjyAuthorize\View\UnauthorizedStrategy"] => string(55) "BjyAuthorize\Service\UnauthorizedStrategyServiceFactory"
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  ["zenddevelopertools"] => array(2) {
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      ["collectors"] => array(1) {
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      ["strict"] => bool(false)
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      ["enabled"] => bool(true)
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    ["options"] => array(4) {
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  ["zendHelper"] => array(2) {
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    ["default"] => string(5) "en_US"
    [0] => string(5) "bg_BG"
  ["language_options"] => array(3) {
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    ["session_sub_array_key"] => string(4) "lang"
    ["get_change_array_key"] => string(4) "lang"
  ["mailer"] => array(5) {
    ["name"] => string(7) "Testing"
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    ["connection_config"] => array(3) {
      ["username"] => string(0) ""
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  ["FormErrorMessages"] => array(3) {
    ["StringLength"] => array(2) {
      ["stringLengthTooLong"] => string(45) "%field% is too long maximum %max% characters!"
      ["stringLengthTooShort"] => string(46) "%field% is too short minimum %min% characters!"
    ["NotEmpty"] => array(1) {
      ["isEmpty"] => string(25) "%field% can not be empty!"
    ["Regex"] => array(1) {
      ["regexNotMatch"] => string(19) "%field% is invalid!"
  ["db"] => array(5) {
    ["driver"] => string(3) "Pdo"
    ["dsn"] => string(37) "mysql:dbname=zend_test;host=localhost"
    ["driver_options"] => array(1) {
      [1002] => string(16) "SET NAMES 'UTF8'"
    ["username"] => string(4) "root"
    ["password"] => string(3) "123"
  ["goalioforgotpassword"] => array(6) {
    ["email_from_address"] => array(2) {
      ["email"] => string(19) ""
      ["name"] => string(6) "EuWork"
    ["reset_email_subject_line"] => string(36) "You requested to reset your password"
    ["reset_email_template"] => string(35) "goalio-forgot-password/email/forgot"
    ["email_transport"] => string(24) "Zend\Mail\Transport\Smtp"
    ["password_entity_class"] => string(36) "GoalioForgotPassword\Entity\Password"
    ["reset_expire"] => int(86400)
  ["goaliorememberme"] => array(2) {
    ["remember_me_entity_class"] => string(34) "GoalioRememberMe\Entity\RememberMe"
    ["cookie_expire"] => int(604800)
  ["zfcuser"] => array(21) {
    ["auth_adapters"] => array(2) {
      [50] => string(46) "GoalioRememberMe\Authentication\Adapter\Cookie"
      [100] => string(33) "ZfcUser\Authentication\Adapter\Db"
    ["zend_db_adapter"] => string(23) "Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"
    ["user_entity_class"] => string(19) "ZfcUser\Entity\User"
    ["enable_registration"] => bool(true)
    ["enable_username"] => bool(false)
    ["enable_display_name"] => bool(false)
    ["auth_identity_fields"] => array(1) {
      [0] => string(5) "email"
    ["login_form_timeout"] => int(300)
    ["user_form_timeout"] => int(300)
    ["login_after_registration"] => bool(true)
    ["use_registration_form_captcha"] => bool(true)
    ["form_captcha_options"] => array(2) {
      ["class"] => string(4) "dumb"
      ["options"] => array(3) {
        ["wordLen"] => int(5)
        ["expiration"] => int(300)
        ["timeout"] => int(300)
    ["use_redirect_parameter_if_present"] => bool(true)
    ["user_login_widget_view_template"] => string(25) "zfc-user/user/login.phtml"
    ["login_redirect_route"] => string(7) "zfcuser"
    ["logout_redirect_route"] => string(13) "zfcuser/login"
    ["password_cost"] => int(14)
    ["enable_user_state"] => bool(true)
    ["default_user_state"] => int(2)
    ["allowed_login_states"] => array(2) {
      [0] => NULL
      [1] => int(1)
    ["table_name"] => string(4) "user"
  ["scn-social-auth"] => array(15) {
    ["zend_db_adapter"] => string(23) "Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"
    ["zend_session_manager"] => string(27) "Zend\Session\SessionManager"
    ["user_provider_entity_class"] => string(33) "ScnSocialAuth\Entity\UserProvider"
    ["facebook_enabled"] => bool(true)
    ["facebook_scope"] => string(0) ""
    ["facebook_display"] => string(0) ""
    ["facebook_client_id"] => string(15) "194435927372661"
    ["facebook_secret"] => string(32) "b144703c1985ce576123b088f3da4686"
    ["github_client_id"] => string(14) "your-client-id"
    ["github_secret"] => string(11) "your-secret"
    ["google_client_id"] => string(14) "your-client-id"
    ["google_secret"] => string(11) "your-secret"
    ["google_hd"] => string(15) "your-domain.tld"
    ["twitter_consumer_key"] => string(17) "your-consumer-key"
    ["twitter_consumer_secret"] => string(20) "your-consumer-secret"
  ["zfcrbac"] => array(2) {
    ["firewall_route"] => bool(true)
    ["firewalls"] => array(1) {
      ["ZfcRbac\Firewall\Route"] => array(1) {
        ["zfcadmin"] => array(2) {
          ["route"] => string(11) "^zfcadmin/*"
          ["roles"] => string(5) "admin"
Application Config ApplicationConfig
Application Config (ApplicationConfig)
array(2) {
  ["modules"] => array(21) {
    [0] => string(11) "Application"
    [1] => string(18) "ZendDeveloperTools"
    [2] => string(11) "BjyProfiler"
    [3] => string(8) "Contacts"
    [4] => string(6) "Search"
    [5] => string(7) "ZfcUser"
    [6] => string(7) "ZfcBase"
    [7] => string(8) "ZfcAdmin"
    [8] => string(12) "ZfcUserAdmin"
    [9] => string(12) "BjyAuthorize"
    [10] => string(16) "GoalioRememberMe"
    [11] => string(14) "RoleUserBridge"
    [12] => string(17) "GoalioMailService"
    [13] => string(20) "GoalioForgotPassword"
    [14] => string(8) "JobOffer"
    [15] => string(7) "Profile"
    [16] => string(12) "DOMPDFModule"
    [17] => string(6) "MakeCV"
    [18] => string(10) "ZendHelper"
    [19] => string(17) "LoadUploadedImage"
    [20] => string(8) "Linkedin"
  ["module_listener_options"] => array(2) {
    ["module_paths"] => array(2) {
      [0] => string(8) "./module"
      [1] => string(8) "./vendor"
    ["config_glob_paths"] => array(1) {
      [0] => string(39) "config/autoload/{,*.}{global,local}.php"
Database (Zend\Db) 4 in 2.65 ms
Quantity create 0 read 4 update 0 delete 0 Time create 0 s read 2.65 ms update 0 s delete 0 s Query Profiles
SQL SELECT `user_role`.* FROM `user_role` Time 103.95 µs
SQL SELECT `joboffer`.*, `jobs_categories_linker`.`categoryId` AS `categoryId` FROM `joboffer` INNER JOIN `jobs_categories_linker` ON `joboffer`.`id`=`jobs_categories_linker`.`jobId` WHERE `joboffer`.`id` = :where1 Params where1 => 59
Time 517.13 µs
SQL SELECT `joboffer`.*, `locations`.`country` AS `country`, `jobprovider_info`.`id` AS `id`, `jobprovider_info`.`firm` AS `firm`, `jobprovider_info`.`logo` AS `logo`, `user`.`email` AS `email`, `typeOfJob`.`type` AS `type`, `timeOfJob`.`time` AS `time` FROM `joboffer` INNER JOIN `locations` ON `joboffer`.`locationId`=`locations`.`locationId` INNER JOIN `jobprovider_info` ON `joboffer`.`jobproviderId`=`jobprovider_info`.`user_id` INNER JOIN `user` ON `joboffer`.`jobproviderId`=`user`.`user_id` INNER JOIN `typeOfJob` ON `joboffer`.`jobType`=`typeOfJob`.`id` INNER JOIN `timeOfJob` ON `joboffer`.`jobTime`=`timeOfJob`.`id` WHERE `joboffer`.`id` = :where1 Params where1 => 59
Time 1.05 ms
SQL SELECT `languages`.*, `joboffer_languages`.`jobofferId` AS `jobofferId` FROM `languages` INNER JOIN `joboffer_languages` ON `languages`.`id`=`joboffer_languages`.`languageId` WHERE `joboffer_languages`.`jobofferId` = :where1 Params where1 => '59'
Time 981.09 µs
BjyAuthorize Current Identity Roles guest
Identity Roles - 1 role
